Empower Your Mind.
Take Creative Control of Your Life.
The Mindset of Infinite Potential and the Secret to Inevitable Success
What if you were presented with a formula that would elevate your mind and awareness to the most inspired, powerful, and creative state possible?
In INVINCIBLE: The Mindset of Infinite Potential and the Secret to Inevitable Success Howard Falco presents a 8-part step by step process of sacred (and often considered “secret”) understandings that gives you the power to create your life as desired. Based on his work over the last 20 years teaching and coaching these incredible insights to top athletes in the world and individuals dealing with almost every issue of life and to almost every age, gender, and culture, Howard Falco has put together a concise step-by-step version of the process of self-mastery, true mindfulness, and mental empowerment. The intent is to infuse the mindset that will help you master the twists and turns of life and bring you to the experiences and success you are looking to achieve in your lifetime.
Many go through a day of life hoping to find a bit of truth and understanding that makes each day or the pursuit of their dreams a little easier. This book contains insight for a lifetime.
What is in front of you now is a guidebook that reveals the knowledge of how life unfolds for each one of us. Offered in this material is a way of understanding yourself and the world that has positively changed and empowered the lives of thousands of people. A formula that has produced champions at the highest level of sports, revitalized and reconnected seeming hopeless relationships, and has helped many suffering of mind and spirit for years to find peace and inspiration again in their everyday lives.
The definition of the word Invincible is that which cannot be overcome, conquered, or mastered. It is attributed to one who has an unwavering spirit and persistence in the face of any opposition or difficulty. It is the hope that with the sacred knowledge presented here you will know that when you master your own mind there is nothing and no one that can stop you or hold you back from the fullest expression of who you really are.
Howard Falco
Mental Strength Coach, Spiritual Teacher/Expert on Human Potential, Author of I AM: The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are
“I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have read so many wonderful books from Eckhart Tolle to Neale Donald Walsh but I have to say this book is the most incredible and meaningful one I have ever read. You have explained things to such a degree that my heart and soul has fully grasped the truth. I AM so thankful.”
- Jacqueline

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What if you were given a book that contains a step-by step proven formula regarding how to create the life you desire?
This is the formula that has created champions
Howard has authored two books on the understanding of life and personal creation.
His first one is titled, I AM: THE POWER OF DISCOVERING WHO YOU REALLY ARE (Tarcher/Penguin, 2010), and his second book is, TIME IN A BOTTLE: MASTERING THE EXPERIENCE OF LIFE, (Tarcher/Penguin May 2014).
I read one line from Howard’s book, I AM and decided to work with him. In the first two minutes of the session, Howard uncovered something in me that I (and no-one else) ever saw, that single distinction has positively changed me for the rest of my life.!
"I AM" is the most instructive, influential book I’ve ever read, and I've read hundreds. Your book has helped me get my mind and ego out of the way and experience who I truly AM. Thank you for this gem.
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