Self-Awareness Education
It all The 8 Wisdom Foundation is dedicated to getting the subject of self-discovery and self-awareness taught in high school as a requirement before graduation. The ability to “know thyself” and see more of the good and the possible is critical to future life success.
Empowering Wisdom
The work is based on Howard’s two books, I AM, and Time In A Bottle. Both empowering reads that help expand the reader’s consciousness regarding themselves and life in a very positive way.
New Answers
So many it today’s world are looking for a new way of understanding life and navigating their way through it. The foundation is dedicated to getting this work out to as many people as possible for the sole intent of helping them reduce mental suffering and live happier and more fulfilled lives.
Howard’s Message
Howard discusses the mission of The 8 Wisdom Foundation and the current need for this wisdom and understanding in today’s society.