I AM: The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are
Are you ready to discover your true ability and power?
This book will take you on an amazing journey of self-discovery, providing a passageway to an entirely new way of looking at who you truly are and the unlimited possibilities that exist for you in life.
“I AM is a powerful book about self-realization. Howard Falco offers a profound explanation of the nature of your own existence and an understanding of the life you are capable of creating.”
- Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, and featured teacher in The Secret.
“The greatest power you have is the ability to define, declare, and demonstrate who you choose to be in every moment
— I AM. "
— Howard Falco
TIME IN A BOTTLE: Mastering The Experience of Life
Are you ready to put the power of time on your side?
A new way of looking at and experiencing time is the key to creating your greatest dreams and desires. The one who learns to master time is the one who becomes a master of life.
“In TIME IN A BOTTLE, Howard Falco dares to poke the fearsome dragon of time. The results are a thought-provoking analysis that can enrich the life of anyone seeking greater peace, tranquility, and fulfillment.”
- Larry Dossey, MD and Author of, SPACE, TIME & MEDICINE and ONE MIND: How Our Individual Mind Is Part Of A Greater Consciousness And Why It Matters
“As you learn to master your mind, you become a master of TIME.”
— Howard Falco